Source code for magnetic

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

A bunch of tools for using venvs (and virtualenvs) from python.

:copyright: (c) 2015 by James Tocknell.
:license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.

from ._utils import (
    create_and_bind as _create_and_bind, HAS_SOCKET_ACTIVATION,
from ._internals.systemd import systemd_sockets as _systemd_sockets
from ._internals.inetd import inetd_sockets as _inetd_sockets
from ._internals.launchd import launchd_sockets as _launchd_sockets
from ._internals import fromfd

from ._version import get_versions
__version__ = get_versions()['version']
del get_versions

[docs]def get_socket( method, family=None, type=None, proto=None, addr=None, force_create=False, ): """ Utility function to get a single socket-activation socket. `get_socket` returns a single socket (`socket.socket`), with `bind` having been called by the parent process (or equivalent depending on system). In the case that acquiring the socket fails, `magnetic.MagneticError` is raised. If `force_create` is `True`, try to create a socket with `family`, `type` and `proto`. .. note:: This function enforces that a single socket be returned, multiple sockets being provided cause this function to raise `magnetic.MagneticError`. .. warning:: There should only be a single call to `get_socket` or `get_sockets`. Multiple calls may break in strange ways. :param method: The system used to perform socket activation. `None` specifies that a new socket be created. Supported values are 'systemd', 'inetd', 'launchd', 'upstart' and `None`. :type method: str or None :param family: The family used if a new socket is created. See `socket.socket` for further information. :type family: socket.AF_* or similar :param type: The type used if a new socket is created. See `socket.socket` for further information. :type type: socket.SOCK_* or similar :param protocol: The protocol used if a new socket is created. See `socket.socket` for further information. :type protocol: int :param force_create bool: Create a new socket if activation fails. :return: The acquired socket. :rtype: `socket.socket` or equivalent :raises magnetic.MagneticError: if socket acquisition fails. """ return get_sockets( [method], [family], [type], [proto], [addr], force_create, max_socks=1 )[0]
[docs]def get_sockets( method, families=None, types=None, protos=None, addrs=None, force_create=False, max_socks=None ): """ Utility function to get socket-activation sockets. `get_sockets` returns a list of sockets (`socket.socket`), with `bind` having been called by the parent process (or equivalent depending on system). In the case that acquiring the sockets fail, `magnetic.MagneticError` is raised. If `force_create` is `True`, try to create sockets with `families`, `types` and `protos`. .. warning:: There should only be a single call to `get_socket` or `get_sockets`. Multiple calls may break in strange ways. :param method: The system used to perform socket activation. `None` specifies that a new socket be created. Supported values are 'systemd', 'inetd', 'launchd', and `None`. :type method: str or None :param families: List of families to use if new sockets are created. Each item represents a new socket. See `socket.socket` for further information. :type families: list of socket.AF_* or similar :param types: List of types to use if new sockets are created. Each item represents a new socket. See `socket.socket` for further information. :type types: list of socket.SOCK_* or similar :param protocol: List of families to use if new sockets are created. Each item represents a new socket. See `socket.socket` for further information. :type protocol: list of int :param force_create bool: Create a new socket if activation fails. :param max_socks: Maximum number of sockets that should be acquired. If the number of sockets that can be acquired exceeds this, raise `magnetic.MagneticError`. `None` disables this check. :type max_socks: int or None :return: The acquired sockets. :rtype: list of `socket.socket` or equivalent :raises magnetic.MagneticError: if socket acquisition fails. """ if method is None: return _create_and_bind(families, types, protos, addrs, max_socks) try: if not HAS_SOCKET_ACTIVATION: raise MagneticError(NO_OS_SUPPORT_MSG) return get_activated_sockets(method, max_socks) except MagneticError: if force_create: return _create_and_bind(families, types, protos, addrs, max_socks) raise
[docs]def get_activated_sockets(method, max_socks=None): """ Returns `max_socks` number of sockets passed to python via `method`. :param method: The system used to perform socket activation. `None` specifies that a new socket be created. Supported values are 'systemd', 'inetd', 'launchd', and `None`. :type method: str or None :param max_socks: Maximum number of sockets that should be acquired. If the number of sockets that can be acquired exceeds this, raise `magnetic.MagneticError`. `None` disables this check. :type max_socks: int or None :return: The acquired sockets. :rtype: list of `socket.socket` or equivalent :raises magnetic.MagneticError: if socket acquisition fails. """ if method == "systemd": return _systemd_sockets(max_socks) elif method == "inetd": return _inetd_sockets(max_socks) elif method == "launchd": return _launchd_sockets(max_socks) raise MagneticError(UNKNOWN_METHOD_MSG.format(method))