Source code for magnetic.asyncore

from __future__ import absolute_import

import asyncore
import socket

from . import get_socket

[docs]class dispatcher(asyncore.dispatcher): """ Subclass of `asyncore.dispatcher` with socket activation support. This class provides a version of `asyncore.dispatcher` with socket activation support via the `sock_activate_method` attribute. Defining this attribute (see `get_socket`'s `method`) will cause the dispatcher to acquire a socket from that system, instead of creating its own. By default, not defining `sock_activate_method` causes the dispatcher to create its own socket. """ sock_activate_method = None def create_socket(self, family=socket.AF_INET, type=socket.SOCK_STREAM): sock = get_socket( self.sock_activate_method, family=family, type=type, force_create=True ) self.family_and_type =, sock.type sock.setblocking(0) self.set_socket(sock)
[docs]class dispatcher_with_send(dispatcher, asyncore.dispatcher_with_send): """ Subclass of `asyncore.dispatcher_with_send` with socket activation support. This class provides a version of `asyncore.dispatcher_with_send` with socket activation support via the `sock_activate_method` attribute. Defining this attribute (see `get_socket`'s `method`) will cause the dispatcher_with_send to acquire a socket from that system, instead of creating its own. By default, not defining `sock_activate_method` causes the dispatcher_with_send to create its own socket. """ pass